Sunday, December 21, 2008

daughter in her own bed Miracle 23

For 5 1/2 years I have tried unsuccessfully to get my daughter to sleep on her own. It has been VERY frustrating for me. I gave up hope that I would ever have my own space to sleep in. God recently revealed what was going on in her room that caused her fear and my husband and I each nightmares any time we slept in that room. With friends and Joy we all "swept the room clean" Since 8 nights ago my daughter has had no more fear in that room. I have been trying to get her to sleep on her own but with little success and a lot of sleeplessness on my part. God released me to freedom from hopelessness two nights ago and it only took that one night to train her to sleep in her room. Last night she did not get up once! I SLEPT IN MY BED ALL NIGHT LONG WITHOUT HER for the first time since I can remember! Thank you Jesus!

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